Gina's Story: How Herbal Medicine Changed My Life
We all have to start our health journey somewhere. Some journeys are long and difficult when visiting specialist after specialist to find out that no one has answers for your pain or concerns. My story looks a lot like the next person, where Western Medicine isn’t the answer to your health needs 100% of the time.
When I started college at ASU in 2011, I started to have some serious stomach and intestinal issues. I am certain that the stress of studying for exams, getting good grades, and working part-time while going to school full-time didn’t help my overall gut health. My symptoms worsened over time and would happen more frequently as I got older. I felt nauseated all day regardless if I ate or did not eat. I never knew if I needed to run to the bathroom or remain constipated for 3 days… I know TMI, but it’s really real here. I had indigestion after every meal of the day and my migraines were on another level of horrible. You could say that my quality of life was not great overall.
Arizona State University | Old Main | Tempe, AZ
In 2016, I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy to see if a GI specialist could help me out. All he found was that I had GERD and severe esophageal erosion, known as Barrett's esophagus. The doctor told me that I had some issues that need to be addressed, but he was not sure what was making my GERD/erosion worse. I felt a little defeated because after skin allergy tests and visiting two GI specialists, we were nowhere close to helping me find relief, with no solution to help me get better except for here… take this PPI to help with your GERD. No explanations and no real solutions.
Fast forward to 2017, I met a doctor at the Mayo Clinic who practiced modern and alternative medicine. My visit with him changed my life… First, he did a comprehensive allergy blood panel that determined that I had some severe allergies that were disrupting my body in more ways than one. My allergies included: eggs (whites/yolks), dairy, whey, casein, navy beans, and cashews. Realizing that I had REAL allergies gave me relief knowing that I wasn’t truly crazy. My body was telling me something!
So, I listened to my body and kept moving forward to find answers and healing. This doctor also introduced me to herbal tinctures and teas to help with my healing journey. I stopped consuming the foods I was allergic to and added the following herbs to my daily arsenal.
Marshmallow Root
Licorice Root
Dandelion Root
And thus my healing journey began. I was actually able to find relief and properly care for my body again. I found a doctor (who worked closely with my mom) who didn’t prescribe me pharmaceuticals, he prescribed HERBS! We need more practitioners like that and I am grateful that my mom, Maria, has taken clinical herbalism to a whole new level in her own business!
Fast forward again to 2020, my mom eased more into the life of herbs by taking courses, studying, and experimenting. Her first couple of tinctures created were for migraines and upset GI symptoms. I’ve been taking “Rumbles” and “Friggin Headache” regularly since 2021 and I am happy to share that I am a whole new woman!
With the help of holistic care and herbal medicine, my health and quality of life has drastically improved:
Migraines went from 8-12 per month to 1-2 by using Friggin' Headache AND holistic chiropractic care.
My GI/GU symptoms… basically eliminated and regulated by using herbs alone. I take our Rumbles tincture daily, Tummy Ache tincture as needed, before or after eating, and Stomach Relief herbal tea as needed.
I can now eat pizza, cheese, beans, and some eggs like a normal functioning human (Wahoo!). Sometimes it’s uncomfortable and I need to know my limits, but the fact that I can ACTUALLY reintroduce foods that I was severely (i.e.anaphylaxis) allergic to back into my life with minimal reactions is an herbal miracle. Now, I am still scared about the whole egg thing, but I do eat eggs mixed into baked goods with little to no issues. That’s a big victory for me.
I know this is a longer blog than what mama Maria normally posts, but I wanted so badly to share my story of how herbs changed my life. Maria’s passion for integrating Eastern and Native American medicine into your health routine provides the foundation we need as humans to attain whole wellness solutions in our lives. Let me tell you, pharmaceuticals are not always the answer to healing. Some may be absolutely necessary to your needs, I understand that more than you know…but dipping your toe into the herbal world only has the potential for further healing in your health journey as well.
If you’ve been hesitant to step into the herbal world…Let me tell you, it will be worth it! Herbs heal, they do not harm. Your first step is to schedule a consultation with Maria. Have a product question? Send us an email! Your second step is to start taking your “prescribed” remedies and letting them build up in your body for true results. And lastly is follow up. We are here for you to make sure that you are achieving the health and wellness goals you need and deserve along the way!
Gina Nasta Mende
COO, Business Developer & Daughter
"Rooted in Nature, Blooming with Wellness."
Originally published: January 25, 2023